Amanda and I recorded guitar and vocal parts for my new song Distinctly Blue on Wednesday at Jamie's Lyford Suite Studios, and tomorrow (fingers crossed) the lovely and wonderfully talented Rodger Morris will put down a piano part at Bob Angello's Sound Studio in Nashville. I can't wait to hear what we get back from Music City. I've asked Bob, a lap-steel guitarist himself, to add other instrumentation to give a country edge to this song that has a soft jazz feel to it. Country and jazz don't automatically sit together in most people's minds, I'm sure, but I have every confidence in Bob's ability to find a way to bring the two together!!
I have an idea, and that in itself is something, given that I've been battling in a dormouse sort of way against nodding off all day (I think it's the over-zealous storage heater that makes the place feel like a sauna during the day and makes me all dopey; though to be fair, I probably can't lay all the blame for my dopiness at the feet of the heater). Anyway, back to the idea. I'll write my bits in, say, blue (bluebird, get it?), and Amanda can be creative and choose any other colour she likes, or keep it simple and stick to dull old black. What do ya say to that, Amanda? I know, I can't help it, the creativity just keeps exuding from my pores. I say I'll be a blackbird or a greenfinch.......yellowhammer?......
Sad to say, the Killingworth Castle gig in March is off - two days after we played at David and Braham's Acousticana evening earlier this month, it shut its doors. We're trying not to take it personally. Seriously though, it is sad for all the music that's been happening there, and some of us are now actively seeking other venues where Acousticana can continue to host music evenings once or twice a month. Amanda wins the prize for the most suggestions (actually, the only suggestions) as to what my YouTube handle stands for. I've adapted one of them, and it's now official: silvaymn stands for 'Silva, Yikes! Mis-spelt Name!' Yeah...... I'm an'ideas' kinda gal :-) |
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