It’s been beautifully quiet here over the past couple of days, and Marian and I head off tomorrow morning just before it gets busy again as people flock over for Lama Yeshe’s meditation course. We’ve had great laughs here and, without having to sit down and purposely think about things, it’s also been the perfect place to gather thoughts together and clarify plans about the future.
My gorgeous photographer, known around these parts as Maid Marian, has, amid her daily duties slaving away in the kitchen, found the time and inclination to provide the great photos that have accompanied my daily musings. This morning I borrowed her iPhone in order to turn the tables – or rather the lens – and get at least one pic of her in the blog. So here she is in a particularly glamorous pose in the kitchen, avec pinny and mug :)
I’ve loved getting to know the people I’ve met during my stay here, whether they’ve been full-time volunteers, guests or course participants. Saying goodbye is all part of the experience here, but there’s always the feeling that paths will cross again as many of those who come here end up coming back repeatedly.
I now possess a singing bowl that creates the most amazing vibrating resonance, though the actual note that it rings with is still a bit of a mystery to me. I can’t seem to match it on my guitar, and I like to think that’s because it’s a mysterious note all of its own. Admittedly I could be getting fanciful here, and it may simply be that my hearing isn’t discerning enough to pick up the exact pitch. We did go through the entire stock of singing bowls, though, until I found this particular one – the only one – that I could make ring. So whether in reality it’s unique or not, it does feel special to me. So there. :)