I’ve just crammed everything into my holdall – it’s rather more stuffed than it was when I arrived ten days ago – and will set off across the mountains for Mytilene in a little while. I’ll go the scenic northern route I think – the weather’s nice again so there’ll be some spectacular views (not that you can risk gawking at them too much as the driver…).
I’ve met a bunch of different people during my ten days here, and have come away with a mixed view of Molyvos and what it must be like to live in such a small town where everyone knows everyone else. Not sure it’d be for me, but I’ve loved being a tourist here in the peace and quiet before the season proper begins – the locals had much more time to while away the hours with me than they would in the height of the summer, and the weather has been perfect for me – not too hot, but enough to get a bit of colour in the old cheeks (of the facial variety).
I’m ready to head home now though – can’t wait to see my darling dogs :) Speaking of which (although I know she's not one), Fluffyopoulos was sitting on the sun chair on the balcony waiting for me to wake up this morning, bless her, so I gave her a little sausage I'd purr-loined for her at breakfast yesterday, and some milk, as a parting gesture. I still haven’t worked out what ‘Goodbye’ is in Greek – any time any farewells have been said so far, it’s been ‘Bon voyage’ or ‘Adios’… I’ll find out from Athena and Adonis shortly though, I’m sure… One thing I do know – it’s not ‘Calamari’…